How It Works

3 Steps To Start Doing Money Differently

*No card required
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Start My Free Trial
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Adam smith
Step #1

Sign up and pick your coach

Find the coach that resonates with you from our growing directory of coaches.

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35-day free trial
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Message your coach
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No credit card required
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Get advice
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Cancel anytime
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Build new habits
Step #2

Connect your bank and give every dollar a job

Our app helps you divide your money into categories. This helps you make a plan you can actually stick to. You can flex money between categories at any time.

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Browser App
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Bank Upload
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Mobile Web Version
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Simple Goal Tracking
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Zero Based Budget
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Basic Reports
Step #3

Live and spend according to your budget

Now that you have a plan you just need to follow it! If you need advice or encouragement reach out to your coach.

message icon

Message your coach anytime inside your budget.

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1-on-1 Video Calls

Set up personalized video calls whenever you need extra support.

Start My Free Trial